Get Gambling Addiction Help
Once you recognize that gambling has become a problem for you, you may decide to enroll in a self-exclusion program right away. You may want to learn more about gambling addiction treatment. Or you may want more information to better understand how gambling works—and why some people develop addictive or compulsive gambling behaviors, while others do not. We’re here to help.
Resources for Those Who Gamble
The Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board provides educational materials and a comprehensive list of resources for individuals seeking help, for themselves or a loved one.

If you are concerned that you or loved one has a gambling problem, we are here to answer your questions and guide you to help.
Resources for Friends and Family
If you suspect someone you know has a gambling problem, don’t wait for the problem to get worse. Call the Council on Compulsive Gambling of PA’s confidential helpline at 1-800-GAMBLER for treatment options, or check out the following resources.
Helping the Gambler
It’s important that you open up the conversation in a direct, compassionate and honest way—and be prepared for a challenge. See how.
How to Protect Yourself
If a loved one’s gambling is affecting your life, creating stress, anxiety, and financial problems, it may be time to get help.

Gambling Addiction Treatment
Low-cost or no-cost problem gambling treatment is available through the PA Department of Drug and Alcohol Programs for individuals with a gambling addiction and their family members. For more information and for a list of participating treatment provider, visit DDAP’s website or call 1-800-GAMBLER for the contact information of a treatment professional near you.
Gamblers Anonymous of PA
Share your experiences and hope with others. The only requirement for joining is a desire to stop gambling.
Gambler’s Anonymous of PA or call 1-800-GAMBLER for a meeting near you.
The Council on Compulsive Gambling of PA
pacouncil.com or call 1-800-GAMBLER
The National Council on Problem Gambling
ncpgambling.org or call 1-800-522-4700
The PA Department of Drug and Alcohol’s Gambling Addiction Participating Providers List
The PA Department of Drug and Alcohol’s Gambling Addiction Participating Providers List or call 1-800-GAMBLER for the contact information of a treatment professional near you.
Gam-Anon is a 12-step support program for individuals whose lives have been devastated by the compulsive gambling of a loved one.
The Board’s Office of Compulsive and Problem Gambling
problemgambling@pa.gov or call 717-346-8300.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline
https://suicidepreventionlifeline.org/ or call 1-800-273-TALK(8255)