About Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board
ResponsiblePlay.pa.gov and the self-exclusion program is funded by the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board. Learn more about our mission.
“Responsible gambling is a top priority for the Pennsylvania Gaming Control Board.
The Board’s Office of Compulsive and Problem Gambling works diligently to provide assistance to individuals who are unable to keep their gambling at a responsible level. Prevention tools and low-to-no-cost treatment options are available and effective.”
Kevin O’Toole
PGCB Executive Director
Mission statement of the PGCB’s Office of
Compulsive and Problem Gambling
The office is committed to:
Do I Have a Gambling Problem?
Individuals who suffer from gambling addiction are willing to risk almost anything in the hope of a bigger reward. Does this sound like you or someone you know?
Help and Hope for Gambling Addiction
If you or someone you know has a gambling problem, help is available. We’ve compiled a comprehensive list of resources to give you hope and get you started.